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course dates and events



PG 1 and PG2 courses, trial flights and tandems, kitesurfing courses – any day from 1 September 2024 to 31 May 2025!


During the summer season Sept to May, Wings & Waves runs intro coursesbeginner and intermediate courses, fly tandems, run kitesurfing lessons every day, as long as the weather suits. With our team of 3 instructors, we can cater for every level of PG1 and PG2 student and all levels of kitesurfing pretty much every day. 

During the summer, we are teaching and flying nearly every weekday and definitely every weekend day. During winter, we scale it back a little and just pick the best days.

Book now!

2024 / 2025 season's courses

This will be up-dated when we schedule new events and courses. Watch this space. Perhaps subscribe to our newsletter (see link below) to ensure you are up-dated when we offer new courses.


3-4 September 2024 – start of the season

First Weekend of the new season. We hope to see many of you out there flying and training. From this weekend onwards, we will teach more or less full time until May 2023. 


2 November 2024  – Wings & Waves pizza night

Let's catch up after a looooong winter. BYO drinks, perhaps your favourite pizza topping. 

26 Beresford Street, Bayswater, from 6pm



29 Nov - 1 Dec 2024  – Kaimais, Paeroas, Glinks or Kamo??

Weekends away with a group of Wings & Waves Pilots. Take your camping gear or your credit card to stay overnight to enjoy a couple of days flying. These weekends are adjusted to the weather on the North Island, of course. 


Sign up for them, so you don't miss out. 


6-11 Jan 2025 – Wanaka thermal course

This is a week of flying, discovering different sites,  improving your thermalling, getting comfortable in inland air and sites, practice your active flying, gain confidence, learn to connect thermals, as well as a wonderful week away with friends.


This course typically moves a PG2 pilot or coastal pilots to being a competent mountain and thermalling pilot. With lots of flying, briefings, de-briefings, weather and other theory sessions.


Here are some details on what we do on these courses. The exact content depends on the course participants and the sites and conditions. Book here


Please get in touch – or put your name down asap. Email or call Eva. Alternatively, book here.



13-18 Jan 2025 – Wanaka XC course

This is a week for those who have already done a thermal flying course with us, or have a fair amount of thermalling under their belt. 


We learn to connect thermals, learn about XC skills, flight planning, weather details, reading the environment as well as the conditions for long and safe flights. 


Many times in these courses, we flew 30km and 50km even with inexperienced pilots. 


Here are some details on what we do on these courses. The exact content depends on the course participants and the sites and conditions. Book here


20-24Jan 2025 – Ladies' inland course​

It's time Eva supports the ladies in our sport. Always outnumbered, often not catered for or taught the way it suits us best. I have run a few ladies' courses now, and it simply astonishes me how easy, straight forward and effective these courses are. I guess we all know that women communicate and learn differently to men. In our course, we make the most out of that and learn well, safely and fast. 


This is a thermal and XC course which helps break down barriers to successful inland flying in a fun, supportive, no pressure environment. We will focus on all basic techniques and skills, and learn to confidently expand into more challenging flying. The progression will be entirely driven by the participants, not the instructor. 


Get in touch to find out more or book Book here



21 - 23 Feb  2025 – NZ North Island, thermalling and XC course 

This year, with flights too tricky and lots to do, we are doing a thermalling / XC course on the North Island for a change.

It is 5 days of fun, flying, travel, learning to thermal, learning to connect thermals and fly distance, as well as a wonderful week away with friends. It typically moves a PG2 pilot or coastal pilots to being a competent inland and thermalling pilot. With lots of flying, briefings, de-briefings, weather and other theory sessions.


This course is aimed at those pilots who have their PG2 already and want to extend to successful and confident thermal and XC flying. 


Here are some details on what we do on these courses. We will customise the exact content to the participants, and it depends on the course participants and the sites and conditions. 

Express your interest asap!


We are still beginner teaching in Auckland as per usual during this time. 

Easter 2025 – Paeroas, Kaimais etc

We are offering some coaching and teaching during the Easter holidays. 

We will take pilots inland flying to the Paeroas and Kaimais. Please make sure to make contact well in time and be ready to go flying and camping for a few days. 


France 2025 - XC in the best spots in the Alps 

We will be looking forward to this one again; the 2022 and 2023 and 2024 France trip had us fly amazing sites 9 out of 10 days!


10 days of flying in the European Alps, where ever the weather is best, picking the best sites every day, picking the perfect flight plan every day, enjoying the amazing scenery, the flying, but also food and wine and everything else. After 30 years (OMG, I am must be old...) of flying in Europe most NZ winters, I know a good place or two which I would love to share with you. 


This course is only for PG2 pilots who do not need much supervision during the flight, launch and landings, as it will be all about improving your XC skills, having fun, flying off into the distance and perhaps landing together somewhere some distance away. You will get good site and weather briefings, coaching in the air, debriefs and lots of valuable tips. 


We will only take one vehicle full of pilots, be flexible with our itinerary and follow the best weather. 


A bunch of people have been quick and booked in already, so do not delay putting your name down asap!

30 June - 4 July 2025 – Ladies' course in FRANCE​

The ladies' courses have been so much fun, so productive and chilled. We are doing it again. 

I have rented a little chalet near Lac d'Annecy with plenty of amazing flying sites near by, scenery to love, also food to be enjoyed. 

Join me on the dates above.


We need 4 ladies to make this course go ahead, so please book asap. Book here


More info on


or contact



14 - 21 July 2025 France tour!

This is our annual favourite, so much flying to be done, so much fun to be had in France. We know the area so well after 35 years of flying, can help you learn about alpine sites, setting tasks, enjoying thermalling, but also all else that France has to offer. Book your spot here


Join us! For more info, please call or email



contact us

ph 09-446 0020 or +64 9 446 0020 

m Eva 021-727 013 or +64 21 727 013

m Reuben 0274-727 013 or +64 274 727 013

m Lukas 021-029 04787

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26 Beresford Street


Auckland 0622

New Zealand

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